Airship Destruction

De Wiki RebirthRO

Revisão de 14h41min de 3 de agosto de 2024 por TakaSensi (discussão | contribs) (Criou página com '{| class="wikitable wikitablew" style="text-align: center; margin:auto; width: 90%;" ! colspan="9" style="background-color:#00044f; color:white" |Airship Sabotage |- ! rowspan="2" style="width:10%;" | ! rowspan="2" style="width:5%;" |Nível Necessário ! rowspan="2" style="width:5%;" |Grupo ! rowspan="2" style="width:10%;" |Reset ! rowspan="2" style="width:14%;" |Início ! colspan="3" style="width:27%;" |Recompensas Possíveis ! rowspan="2" style="width:27%;" |Guia da...')
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Airship Sabotage
Nível Necessário Grupo Reset Início Recompensas Possíveis Guia da Instância
QTD. Item Chance
Arquivo:EP19 MD AQUILA.gif
200 Grupo 00h Porteiro das Instâncias 10 Arquivo:25204 A.png Moedas de Instância 100%
  1. Fale com o NPC para escolher o nível de dificuldade (padrão ou a escolha)
  2. Para escolher uma dificuldade maior precisa do ticket que é dropado pelo MVP
  3. Mate os monstros que surgirem e passe para a próxima sala (repita o processo até chegar no mvp)
  4. Mate o mvp e passe pelo portal para sair da instância
2 1001198.pngFragmento Glacial 100%
30 1000608.pngSnow Flower Petal 100%
1 23246.pngGlacier Box 10%



Enter the airship to destroy it from the inside.
You can choose the difficulty inside the instance.
Economy (Easy): Monster HP: 2.5m, Boss HP 300m, Boss dmg reduction 10%, Boss Res/Mres 0
Business (Intermediate): Monster HP: 4m, Boss HP 500m, Boss dmg reduction 50%, Boss Res/Mres 200
First Class (Hard): Monster HP: 5m, Boss HP 600m, Boss dmg reduction 80%, Boss Res/Mres 400

  1. Speak with NPC to start the instance
    Arquivo:Airship Destroy 1 wiki.png
  2. Choose the Send out any message option to start the instance.
    Choose the Change seat class option to change the difficulty.
    Arquivo:Airship Destroy 4 wiki.png
  3. If you choose Change seat class you will be given this window to change the difficulty.
    Arquivo:Airship Destroy 5 wiki.png
  4. Walk north and enter portal
  5. Clear all enemies inside the second room, enter portal when done.
  6. Clear enemies in third room
  7. Walk to the upper left and enter the portal
  8. Clear all enemies inside the fourth room
  9. Clear all enemies inside the fifth room
  10. Speak with Aquila NPC in the sixth room
    Arquivo:Airship Destroy 2 wiki.png
  11. Defeat Aquila.
  12. After defeating Aquila, speak with the device to obtain instance rewards.
    Arquivo:Airship Destroy 3 wiki.png


Monster HP
21531.png Aquila 10% / 50% / 80% Damage Reduction
299,990,000 HP
500 RES
450 MRES
Shadow 4


Card Description
300382.pngAquila Card Increases poison and undead property magical damage by 100%.

Increases damage taken from all property by 30%.